Bold Adventures | Philip Silvey
Philip Silvey - composer
Bold Adventures - treble choir - choral music by Philip Silvey

"Once upon a time," four simple words
and I’m traveling there, anywhere!

Down the hidden path to uncertainty, through time.
Up the castle stairs, stepping carefully, I climb.
Moving with caution, not sure what I will find,
words take me there on those...

Bold Adventures to the unknown,
farther and faster than I have ever flown,
on such grand excursions to who knows where?
Finding myself in places I could never go,
face to face with characters I could not know,
words make it so.

Deep within the woods so mysterious, I hide.
Down the crumbling cliffs so precarious, I slide.
Finding my footing just in the nick of time,
words rescue me, on those...

Meanwhile… Behind you!

Suddenly! …out of the blue!
Moving with caution not sure what I will find,
words take me there on those...

“Once upon a time,” four simple words
and I’m traveling there, anywhere!
Words make it so!

As a kid, I spent many mornings searching the shelves of the school library to discover a new adventure. I took my favorite books out on loan more than once over the years, not just for the great characters and imaginative plots, but because I liked how the writer’s words made me feel. Well-written books can transport young readers, and I hope this composition inspires singers to open a new book and travel wherever it takes them!

Duration: 4:00

Copyright © 2025 Philip E. Silvey